Handling multiple sound files...


Hello all - <br />
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I have an embedded .wav file that runs from within the 'topindex.htm' page of a site utilizing frames. I chose this location so that the music stays constant throughout the entire user session, and does not 'reset' after each new page is visited. <br />
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My issue is that upon some of the 'main.htm' pages I have links that open up media player windows that display videos. These videos have audio that differs from the .wav file running upon my 'topindex.htm' page, and when the media player opens I can hear BOTH sound sources playing simutaneously. <br />
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My question is this: Is there any way to set priority rights for each sound source? I would like for the sound files accompany the videos to become the default sound when the media players are opened, but I would like for the original .wav file to play continously the entire rest of the time... <br />
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I hope I have been clear enough to articulate my problem. One other thing that I just thought of is that perhaps some audio file formats take precedence over others, and that I might be able to set the format within the video files to "override" the original .wav file... <br />
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At any rate, I would greatly appreciate any assistance that anyone might be able to lend.<br />
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Thanks, and have a good one - <br />
C. Shokka<!--content-->aah i see what u wanna do u want a sound playing in background whilst on site, then when click link to play something in mp then the sound to stop on closing mp the sound continues playing rite?? im gonna give it a go n see what i come up with, let me know if this is wrong otherwise wasting time lol<!--content-->