correas tag heuer
New Member
Hi I'm trying to hack blogger's auto excerpt of posts. Here is my idea:After searching on google i found this code.this script cut down post html and generates excerpt which is good but it find images and scale down which is bad.So I like it's first job.and to generate thumbnail idea-\[code\]<script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[function thumbnail(image_url, post_title) { var image_size = 150; image_tag = '<span class="thumbnail pull-left"><img src="' + image_url.replace('/s72-c/', '/s' + image_size + '/') + '" alt="' + post_title + '"/></span>'; if (image_url != "") return image_tag; else return "";}//]]></script><script type='text/javascript'>document.write(thumbnail("<dataost.thumbnailUrl/>","<dataost.title/>"));</script>\[/code\]But I want to combine these to get result:\[code\]summary = the previous script's excerpt and the second script's thumbnail.\[/code\]I'm not a javascript developer so i'm unable to figureout this. Please give me some hints.thanks.