<H1> tags without the space


How do you do <H1> tags without the space at the bottom.<br />
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It must be possible using <Div> or layers???<br />
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Its for my Film Review (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.futuremovies.co.uk">http://www.futuremovies.co.uk</a><!-- m -->) website.<!--content-->with css it's quite easy<br />
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<h1 style="margin-bottom:0px;">dsfdsfds</h1><br />
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remember to put your css into an external stylesheet afterwards, if you don't have much you can leave it in-line :)<!--content-->Very nice thank you!<br />
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I shall add a class to my stlye sheet and do it that way.<!--content-->you're welcome :)<br />
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yup, that'd be the way to do it.<!--content-->>> >> <h1 style="margin-bottom:0px;"> Heading </h1> <<< <<<br />
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>> I shall add a class to my stlye sheet and do it that way. <<<br />
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Hmm, that is still code bloat:<br />
<br />
.header {margin-bottom: 0px;}<br />
<br />
<h1 class="header"> Heading </h1><br />
<br />
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Why not just do:<br />
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h1 {margin-bottom: 0px;}<br />
<br />
<h1> Heading </h1><!--content-->why not just change the text size, thats all header tags do really...<!--content-->leoo24 do I really have to reply to these guys?<br />
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Why not just do:<br />
<br />
h1 {margin-bottom: 0px;}<br />
<br />
<h1> Heading </h1> <br />
Is good practice to separate design elements from code. You end up with far less code in the long term and if you want to change something well it can be done in seconds instead of minutes/hours/days.<br />
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why not just change the text size, thats all header tags do really <br />
No they add an unwanted space a the bottom pushing table/cell down: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.futuremovies.co.uk/review.asp?ID=107">http://www.futuremovies.co.uk/review.asp?ID=107</a><!-- m --> Take a look. I dont want "City of God" to be push the cell down but I want to use H1 tags for SEO.<!--content-->Originally posted by Gregory <br />
why not just change the text size, thats all header tags do really... <br />
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wrong, greg please be sure of your answer before you put it forward, if I am not confident of an answer I am giving I will research it first.<br />
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johan, no you don't have to reply, you take whichever answer you are happy with and need not reply any further to a thread, but if you want to it's up to you :) <br />
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<h1 class="header"><br />
may be more code bloat than<br />
<h1><br />
but it's less than<br />
<h1 style="margin-bottom:0px;"><br />
<br />
it doesn't 'have' to be done any way, only how it suits you and your coding, if you want to style h1's differently then you must use either classes or ids, if every single one of your h1's will be styled the same then yes, don't include a class.<!--content-->Just thought I'd point out to Gregory that the H1 tags are used for more than just size adjustment. For example, if your user is blind, and their browser reads the page to them, it allows the browser to determine what on your page is a header, and what is plain text. Just like other users, a blind user may only care about one topic on your page. If you use the H1-H5 tags, it lets them skip through the headers, and find what they want.<!--content-->Good point Aaron.<br />
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Even though this works well in IE I have a problem with all those Netscape and Mozilla/Firebird browsers putting the space above the text.<!--content-->apply the same solution to remove the space above the text:<br />
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margin-top:0px;<br />
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:)<!--content-->what I think Gregory was talking about was that instead of using a <h1> tag just size up the font.<!--content-->Thanks leoo24 I put that in my .css and that works treet. (Now why cant I think like that!)<!--content-->