gzip compression for HTTP 1.0 proxy requests on Azure Web Sites


New Member
Is there any way to get Azure Web Sites to serve gzip'ed content for requests from a HTTP 1.0 proxy like Amazon Web Services CloudFront? Consider a request like this:\[code\]curl -I -H "accept-encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch" -H "Via: 1.0 {foo.cdn.net}" -0 http://{fooproject}.azurewebsites.net/\[/code\]It seems that the general way to accomplish is to add the following element to \[code\]system.webServer\[/code\]:\[code\]<httpCompression noCompressionForHttp10="false" noCompressionForProxies="false" />\[/code\]It also seems that \[code\]httpCompression\[/code\] is only valid in \[code\]ApplicationHost.config\[/code\] and not \[code\]web.config\[/code\] which means that it's not overwriteable on Azure Web Sites.Any suggestions for workarounds?Additional resources: