GWT XML-Parser: Special characters

I'm currently using the*-package (including its Document-class) to parse an HTML-file into certain XML-Nodes.These Nodes/Elements are being edited by the use of the setNodeValue(String)-method. \[code\]NodeList SpanList = doc.getElementsByTagName("tag");Node currentNode = SpanList.item(0);Element currentSpanElement = (Element) SpanList.item(0);currentSpanElement.getFirstChild().setNodeValue("don't");document.replaceChild(currentSpanElement,currentNode);\[/code\]The part that drives me nuts is the unpleasant fact that every special character, e.g. apostrophes, are being replaced by their escape-characters. This would turn out helpful if the HTML-file would already be well-formatted. In other words: \[code\]don't\[/code\] turns into \[code\]don't\[/code\]. Anyone an idea how to deal with this?