Guide me, please?


Staff member
Okay, I'll try to be brief, but as you know I don't always manage that...:rolleyes:<br />
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Last night I set out to learn how to put up a privacy policy. The 'net trail led me to all this info about P3P and I found a free program to help you create everything you need etc., etc. oh - if anyone is interested and knows this stuff, the link is:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... t/20/20756</a><!-- m --><br />
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So, I did everything on there and have no idea what I did. It uses xml - something I have yet to delve into at all. Plus, now I'm sitting here with a Java Console running in my start menu that doesn't show up when I try control-alt-delete so I can't close it..well, that's another story but I don't even know what that is. :doh:<br />
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In truth, I have no idea if I had this right or not so here is my question - I'm not asking anyone to help me with this particular problem, rather, I cannot decide where to go next. I would like to move forward in what I've already learned - what would be best? I'm comfortable with tables and know how to use Java scripts but when I hunt around the 'net trying to figure this out there are so many things - DHTML, XML, CSS, CGI/Perl, ASP, PHP and on and on as you all know. Is there any sequence that would help me learn? For example, last night I felt if I understood xml, I would have had a much easier time doing what that site said to do. I had planned to start learning CSS, then this and I was going to start reading up on xml, but then I wondered, is there a sort of "ladder" where learning about one, would help you with the I making any sense cuz now this is getting long and I really try so hard to get to the point... :crying: and I'm so lost!!!<!--content-->justjeni - sounds like a nightmare! you've scared me now, i daren't click on the link :P<br />
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it might just be my warped mind, but i would suggest learning stuff in the following order:<br />
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  1. <br />
    Hand coding plain HTML (gives you good experience laying out code, plus HTML is *very* good to know)<br />
    CSS - it will help you create much more appealing pages, and learn more about each HTML tag<br />
    Javascript - you pretty soon run into barriers when you try and do fancy stuff in HTML/CSS, so JS would be the next thing<br />
    dHTML - it kind of comes with the JS territory (once you know dHTML, you know HTML inside out)<br />
    server side programming (PHP/ASP/Perl/or your choice) - helps you create much more interactive content, send e-mails, and all sorts of fun stuff<br />
    SQL - databases come in very handy when you do servser side coding, and help you understand how XML is useful<br />
    XML - i'm at this stage now :)<br />
    [/list=1] <br />
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    i know, it's such a long list :( but that would be my suggestion. don't try to rush it either, it's important to have a good understanding of each one<br />
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    --jackhammer<!--content-->justjeni - sounds like a nightmare! you've scared me now, i daren't click on the link <br />
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    :rofl: well, it has been a nightmare for me! Looks like many are staying away from this Don't blame anyone for that and thank you sincerely for responding.<br />
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    i know, it's such a long list but that would be my suggestion. don't try to rush it either, it's important to have a good understanding of each one <br />
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    No problem about that, Jackhammer - I'm well aware of all the different things, belive me!! :eek: <br />
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    Thanks so much for the suggestion - you have no idea how much better that makes me feel. I literally did not have a clue where to turn next. My original plan was what you said - to start with CSS next. I printed out a tutorial and everything. <br />
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    And I can accept the fact that it's best to take my time and patience and diligence - I don't want to learn in a half-a**ed manner, I want to learn to do it right so am willing to put time and effort into it. That's excellent advice, though. <br />
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    I'm going to copy that list and do my best - wish me luck, and good luck on the xml - that looked challenging from what I saw of it, anyway! :)<!--content-->Good question--I've wondered the same thing.<!--content-->Jeni, you really did it this time. from what I understand about p3p is that it is an mail encryption, but I see it has went a little further. also I have never heard of this so it is an experience for me as well. I will do it like it says and see what I come up with. <br />
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    XML is not a hard language to learn. it also doesn't matter which one you learn first. No one said you have to learn it all, just know what you want to know. you don't have to learn php or cgi or asp, just go as far as you want.<br />
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    and that java thing in your taskbar can be turned off<br />
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    tools -> Internet Options - > advanced tab -> scroll down do Microsoft VM and uncheck java console and java logging if it's checked.<!--content-->Jeni, you really did it this time. <br />
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    :D or :crying: ??? I sometimes wonder - do you all groan when you see my name on a post!?, or laugh??<br />
    :rofl: <br />
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    Well, I can't help myself - I have this insatiable curiosity and I love these computers...want to see how everything works - and learn. Once upon a time when I was young a boss said to me, "Jeni, you dance to the beat of a different drummer, did you know that?" (didn't know what she I do! :))<br />
    :( But I know it isn't humanly possible to learn it all, as much as I wish I could. Anyway, this whole ordeal started when I made a simple HTML privacy policy and it ricocheted into hours and hours of fooling around! I wanted to look at other privacy policies to get an idea of what they entailed, so I put "privacy policy" into the google search and well, the rest is history!<br />
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    I will do it like it says and see what I come up with. <br />
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    Since you know this stuff, maybe you can see it through to the end. I tried and did put my URL into the W3C validator, (couldn't believe that w3c came into this, too - had no idea that was going to hit me, but I had no idea what they were trying to tell me. anyway, I'd love to hear what you think of it when you've done it, if you don't mind.<br />
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    and that java thing in your taskbar can be turned off <br />
    Thank you - I got it off - you're my hero again. But you know, I did a Download <!--more--> from that site I posted and I think I had the Java Console already with Windows, didn't I?? Or is this something different? Because I did what the site said and the first Download <!--more--> didn't work, which is where they said to Download <!--more--> the Java one. computer seems all right, so I won't worry about that one.<br />
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    Thanks so much - again - scoutt!<!--content-->well jeni, I read it 3 times and did it twice and I couldn't even get it to run. for one I can't run xml on my server as it isn't setup to parse xml. so I personally think they are missing something in that tutorial you have linked up there. something doesn't make since.<!--content-->something doesn't make since<br />
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    Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! for telling me that, Scoutt, because in all honestly, I thought I followed it perfectly! <br />
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    May I ask you a quick question - do I need that java console on my PC? It doesn't seem to be hurting anything, but I haven't had a chance to look up what it does yet and just wondered if there is an advantage/enhancement to having it. <br />
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    Boy, I'm not kidding, this was really good news for me and I feel a whole lot better about this now. I felt like it was me ('cuz it usually but couldn't for the life of me see what I could be doing wrong. Thanks again, scoutt!<!--content-->you can delete the java console. it shouldn't hurt anything.<!--content-->Thanks, Scoutt - can't really tell what it does! Nothing seems different..<!--content-->