Guestbook Hacked


Today someone seems to have hacked into my advanced guestbook and damaged something. It's the script that is provided with hosting. I get an SQL query error when I try to access the admin page. The guestbook has some nice text inserted in it too. I'm assuming I'll have to kill the guestbook and reinstall it. I'll lose all the data in it, which sucks. I'm not a database person at all. I could go in and export the tables with the SQL signature data on them, however I don't know which one's they are. Then after that, I could reinstall the guestbook, give it a more secure password and reinsert the signature data. Anyone have any ideas on which tables to export? Or if this idea will even work? Thanks.<!--content-->
PM me with some more details, I'll try to help you without needing to reinstall the guestbook.<!--content-->