Guestbook At Mini-chat?


My niece has a page on Xanga that includes this sidebar thing -- you can enter your name and a quick comment and it appears as sort of an ongoing chat room. (See it at <br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a> on the right side.<br /><br />It seems I could mimic this using a simple guestbook: Instead of opening a separate page, the guestbook would create a simple HTML file that I could 'include' on my home page using a server-side include.<br /><br />Is this possible? Can I configure one of the CPanel guestbooks to generate a simple HTML file that I can then "include" in my index.shtml?<br /><br />Any thoughts much appreciated!<!--content-->
Did you click the link under the content? <!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue"><!--/coloro--><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--><br /><br />You could sign up for a free copy to use on your website which you could embed.<br /><br />Moving for organization<!--content-->
Ah, but I don't want to use Flooble or whatever that is. I want to be able to control it -- and not to have ads!<!--content-->
You can give this one a try called ShoutBox<br /><br /><!--coloro:blue--><span style="color:blue"><!--/coloro--><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--><!--content-->