Guest Redirection System Lite


New Member
To Install:
1. Upload product via AdminCP -> Product Manager
2. Configure options vBulletin Options -> Guest Redirect System

New Templates
1. custom_gdirect

Database Changes
1. None

Setup Instructions
1. All settings can be found under vBulletin Options -> Guest Redirect System with a brief explanation.

Whats it do?
This modification redirects users from standard error no permission page to a custom one where you can enter more information about your site or product, as well as let registered members login.

Increase conversion rate of guests

Future Plans
The professional version will have a quick register form and extended options as well as fully phrased

1. Should work on all vBulletin version from 3.5 to 3.8. Tested on vBulletin version 3.7.4PL1 and confirmed working.

Uninstall Instructions
Remove Product using vBulletin Product Manager

Does this mess with my search engine rankings?
No, this has no effect on your rankings at all.

Can you add additional pages like albums and groups
Yes, in a future version there will be support for more pages

How you get the debug menu like on the screenshot?
You simply have to enable Debug mode via the config.php file edit.
Thank you. There are not any extra directions than what is on this post. To edit your new 'registration' page, you have to manually go into that template, and change the wording. That screenshot looks nothing like the actually install.

Here is a screenshot of what you actually get:
I have installed this and enabled it and its not working at all, I can still get into the sections and view posts etc as guest. I'm guessing its because I am not using the default theme so how do I get it working properly?