Group data by date range and display query results in tabular form


New Member
I'm trying to query a mysql database to create an html table similarly displayed below. \[code\]+--------------+---------------+----------------+| Date Due | Amount Paid | Date Paid |+--------------+---------------+----------------+| Nov, 1 2012 | $10 | Oct, 21 2012 || | $15 | Oct, 18 2012 || Oct, 14 2012 | $20 | Oct, 13 2012 || | $20 | Sep, 3 2012 |+--------------+---------------+----------------+\[/code\]The problem I am facing is this:The date due, amount paid, and date paid data fields are all in the same table row. The date due does not necessarily correspond to when the actual payment was made (maybe a payment was made 3 weeks late). Or... maybe two payments were received within the time frame of a single payment date due.How can I efficiently tackle a problem like this and display it in a table? I've tried a few ways already and the code is too system process intensive.