Gridview_RowCommand getting executed after loading of pop up window


New Member
Please help me in below problem.I have a search screen where i am using a gridview, in gridview i have and in its command arguement i am using value for that column and (Container.DataItemIndex+1) to find the row number of item on which i have Gridview_RowCommand i am assigning these values in session varaible so that they could be passed to pop up window.lets say my search screen has populated two rows, on click of first row it works fine and i could access session variables in pop up window however when i click on 2nd rows linkbutton pop up window gets refreshed first and then Gridview_RowCommand gets executed later because of which i am not getting updated values in my session variables.Please help me in how to solve this problem, please share some code if possible.Thanks in advance