gridview updating a particular record after search


New Member
1.I have one grid having 100 records and it is in updatepanel.2.I have implimented search using jquery.3. when i found that record after search then i when i go for for editing all the records are comming.4. what i want is to have only that record to display for updating. here is my code\[code\]$(document).ready(function () { GridFilter(); }); function pageLoad(sender, args) { if (args.get_isPartialLoad()) { GridFilter(); } } function GridFilter() { $('#ContentPlaceHolder1_gvTransactionType').GridviewFix().dataTable({ "bPaginate": false, "sDom": 't<"clear">', "bSort": false }) .columnFilter({ sPlaceHolder: "head:after", aoColumns: [{ type: "text" }, { type: "text" }, { type: "text"}] }); }\[/code\][*]i have use js to maitain the scroll position for this gridview\[code\] var totalRows = $("#<%= gvTransactionType.ClientID %> tr").length; alert( totalRows ); var xPos, yPos; var prm = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance(); prm.add_beginRequest(BeginRequestHandler); prm.add_endRequest(EndRequestHandler); function BeginRequestHandler(sender, args) { //Get x and y position of scrollbar before partial postback xPos = $get('scrollDiv').scrollLeft; yPos = $get('scrollDiv').scrollTop; } function EndRequestHandler(sender, args) { //Set x and y position back to the scrollbar after partial postback $get('scrollDiv').scrollLeft = xPos; $get('scrollDiv').scrollTop = yPos; }\[/code\]So any one can say how to handel this.Thank You