Am using the below code to bind the dropdown data from another table. And also refer that control name using rowindex. But it always return null.And also return the error message. \[code\] `Object reference not set to an instance of an object.` \[/code\]Am using the two method, but both return the control name nullFirst code:\[code\] protected void GridView2_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { Control ctrl = e.Row.FindControl("DDL_STATUS_FT"); //It always return null if (ctrl != null) { DropDownList dd = ctrl as DropDownList; DataSet7TableAdapters.sp_getall_trv_masterTableAdapter TA = new DataSet7TableAdapters.sp_getall_trv_masterTableAdapter(); DataSet7.sp_getall_trv_masterDataTable DS = TA.GetData(); dd.DataTextField = "fld_TName"; dd.DataValueField = "fld_id"; dd.DataSource = DS; dd.DataBind(); } } } \[/code\]Second :\[code\] In databind functionif (DS.Rows.Count > 0) { GridView2.DataSource = DS; GridView2.DataBind(); foreach (GridViewRow grdRow in GridView2.Rows) { DataSet7TableAdapters.sp_getall_trv_masterTableAdapter TA1 = new DataSet7TableAdapters.sp_getall_trv_masterTableAdapter(); DataSet7.sp_getall_trv_masterDataTable DS1 = TA1.GetData(); // Nested DropDownList Control reference is passed to the DrdList object. This will allow you access the properties of dropdownlist placed inside the GridView Template column. DropDownList drdList = (DropDownList)(GridView2.Rows[grdRow.RowIndex].Cells[4].FindControl("DDL_STATUS_FT"));//It always return null // DataBinding of nested DropDownList Control for each row of GridView Control. drdList.DataSource = DS1; drdList.DataValueField = "fld_id"; drdList.DataTextField = "fld_TName"; drdList.DataBind(); } }\[/code\]Please help me to do this..