Great PR tool for you!


New Member
Ran into this pr tool today and really liked it so I thought I would share.:-)

Inbound as an exchange my tools to see page and rank and also other,I use domainpagerank dot com and seocentro dot com,no question asked ,they are the best for me,,SO far Thank for those PM!

Inbound Nice tools for showing also inner page prs. Thanks. really it's a nice tools, it's shows Page Rank of site and also shows inner links PR.

thx Wow... Nice tool... it's look like Google Analytics Site Overlay.... Thanks for sharing it Great !!!
I have try this site it's really nice concept !!! great tool, thanks so much for sharing +rep for you PR don't mean squat.. worry about SERP The tool doesn't work properly with my site ((( thank you, try it now I use seoquake,it is wonderful,maybe you can have a try. I tried it and it worked great.
[Removed] Rmember that the PR the toolbar shows for your website isnt actual the PR of your website at all...
Google update PR everyday, the PR toolbar always shows an outdated snapshot of what it was last time the public PR was updated...

Forget PR and work on building good links to your website. Thanks for sharing your bunch of tools my friends =)