gray numbers on the righthand side of search


New Member
Hi,I've been dropping in and out of the search rankings for my keywords Bermuda Shorts the last 2 weeks. My site is noticed last night when I checked I had a date next to it in gray that said March 31 (I was ranked 4th) and the other top 10 sites had a date older than mine. What is the significance of the date? What can I do to permanently rank in the top 5?Also, I am getting about 180 unique visitors to my site every day. I represent a niche search topic, but I think I should be able to get more there. Should I broaden my search keywords? Any suggestions on improving my site would be greatly appreciated.Thanks,JoeI just looked at your website really quick. One thing I would recommend off the top of my head is to not use images for your textual content. For example you have on the right hand side of your main page:Quote: