Gray bearded newbie needs php guidance [closed]


New Member
I've created a boardgame and there is one element I can create manually but it is a very time consuming task so after much research I decided to learn php to automate the task. This is what I want to do and would appreciate any guidance towards specific learning resources that might help me in this task.Create 4 10 x 10 tables with each cell being sequentially numbered from 0=99. Ideally the numbering will be inside the cells but if I really had to I could use grid coordinates instead I then want to randomly populate the cells, in each table one at a time, with two letter strings from an existing array. e.g table1 0TE 1GR 2MN 3TE 4KN....I then want to be able to print the tablesBTW I choose php because I want players to be able to create their own tables online, also it will, in the long term, be the most beneficial to me as I will never be a professional programmer.Cheers Don