Graphs in ASP.NET



I have been programming for years and just started using ASP.NET for a big project and as with the previous incarnations of visual studio I am having problems understanding how to produce line and bar graphs from a database.:o

We are getting two fields from an access database (Time stamp and the value) and I want to put them in a graph line or bar(i dont want to do the re-size a rectangle method). This is going to be done on a web page. The user is going to select two dates, from and to and then we go get the data and create a graph. It is the create a graph bit i always have trouble with...:eek:

Any advice or good moron proof tutes would be great...

I know I can always rely on HTML forums....Top top forum...:D

As always thanks in will need to get a 3rd party control or build your own. using System.Drawing.Imaging namespace.