graphics and html messed up


my site is located at <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> and everytime i write some writting bellow the menu on the left the menu appears to seperate itself and leaves gaps between eash graphics. why does this do it.<!--content-->Yep.......<br />
rowspan is the trick......<br />
The content has the rowspan of 12.<br />
Changing the menu part needs a changing of the rowspan.<br />
<br />
See how it is done:<!--content-->it still does it<!--content-->If you have dld the atachment, you can see how it has to work.<br />
Look over here:<br />
(second edition ;) )<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
Used Ace4Free and it is ok in this screen width:<br />
640 x 480<br />
800 x 600<br />
1024 x 768<br />
<br />
Comments are in the above page, so: Vieuw Source, or Download <!--more--> the page.<!--content-->