grails XML to Object binding

Is there a grails plugin or library to do mapping from XML data into a Java class Object?I'm looking for some groovy class that maps xml data to Java class fields.---UPDATE-----The below grails service class tries to do this mapping ,but it doesn't work.Would someone give hints how to correct below code to make it work?thanks\[code\]class DataBinderService {boolean transactional = falsedef grailsApplicationprivate BeanWrapper wrapper = new BeanWrapperImpl()public List bindAllXmlData (Class targetClass, GPathResult source, List properties) { if (targetClass == null || source == null || properties == null) return null def resultList = [] def className = WordUtils.uncapitalize(targetClass.simpleName) source[className]?.each { def boundObj = bindXmlData(targetClass, it, properties) System.out.println(boundObj) resultList.add(boundObj) } return resultList}public Object bindXmlData (Class targetClass, GPathResult source, List properties) { if (targetClass == null || source == null || properties == null) return null def targetObject = grailsApplication.classLoader.loadClass( if (targetObject) { return bindXmlData(targetObject, source, properties) } else { return null }}public Object bindXmlData (Object target, GPathResult source, List properties) { if (target == null || source == null || properties == null) return null wrapper.registerCustomEditor (Date.class, new CustomDateBinder()) wrapper.setWrappedInstance(target) properties.each {String property -> if (property.contains('.')) {//This indicates a domain class to bind e.g. -> Experiment def propertyName = property.tokenize('.') def id = source[propertyName[0]]["@${propertyName[1]}"]?.toString() if (id != null) { def subdomainInstance = null try {subdomainInstance = grailsApplication.classLoader.loadClass("edu.kit.iism.experimentcenter.${WordUtils.capitalize(propertyName[0])}").get(id)} catch (Exception ex) {} if (subdomainInstance != null) wrapper.setPropertyValue(propertyName[0], subdomainInstance) } } else if (property.equals('id')) { //The id property is set as an attribute rather than text def id = source['@id']?.toString() if (id != null) wrapper.setPropertyValue(property, id) } else { //regular attributes def prop = source[property]?.toString() if (prop != null) wrapper.setPropertyValue(property, prop) } } return target}\[/code\]}