Gradient/Fading background question


Staff member
I want to have a background color that fades from a dark blue at the bottom into black at the top. Is there an html script that will create that effect? I'm using Adobe GoLive.<br />
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Any help is greatly appreciated~<!--content-->First off: HTML is not a scripting language. You would be looking for something in JavaScript or a ServerSide Script.<br />
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Is there a .... script that will create that effect? <br />
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No. It will have to be an image of a gradient to achieve what you ask :)<!--content-->Here's a little something I just whipped up:<!--content-->You would be looking for something in JavaScript <br />
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Would I be able to take a javascript and paste it into my GoLive Source code and work?<br />
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It will have to be an image of a gradient to achieve what you ask <br />
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That's the problem. I want the gradient to expand and flow with the page length. For example one page might have a few pictures on it and only be 800 pixels in height, the next page might be 2400 pixels tall. If I use a pic to do that the gradient stops where the pic stops.<br />
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Lavalamp- I checked out your attachment and it looks like a line. Is it a gradient. If so how would I use it?<!--content-->In my example the background is an image 256 pixels in height that stays fixed at the bottom of the page. It doesn't stretch because it is an image.<br />
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I think that there is a way to do what you want to do, but I know for a fact that IE simply won't support it.<!--content-->In my example the background is an image 256 pixels in height that stays fixed at the bottom of the page. It doesn't stretch because it is an image. <br />
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How would I use that in GoLive. Where would I place the gif?<!--content-->I have the code for a gradient...on my old site...<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
The server is down at the moment, but the code you are looking for is on every page there...once the server comes back up I will grab it for you...;)<!--content-->I use notepad for editing so I have no idea what GoLive is.<br />
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You can put the image wherever you want, you can change it's size and the colours used, as long as you reference it correctly it will show up on the page.<br />
The background colour of the page is black because then it matches the top of the image file. If you were to change the fade from blue to red then you would need to change the background colour from black (#000000) to red (#ff0000).<br />
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I have used shortened colour codes in the CSS though, if you have three pairs of numbers for the rgb values they can be collapsed to just three characters.<!--content-->Sweet! I'll keep an eye out here for the code, thanks! :)<!--content-->Happy to help. :)<!--content-->GoLive is a website building program for people like me who don't know much about html :)<br />
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If I have a code that creates the gradient I can cut and paste it into the html source code created by GoLive after placing all my images and stuff with their tools. You don't really need to know html to make a site with GoLive, it's more for people who use Photoshop, you basically drag and drop everything and then the code is written automatically. I wish I knew html it would help alot with stuff like this.<!--content-->Dreamweaver is really nice...and it has an FTP feature that allows you to upload the pages to the server when you click save...<br />
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It's completely visual, although it has the ability to edit the code manually. You can drag and drop objects, and it will create the page using CSS and's really nice, and I'm going to end up buying's well worth the money, and I'm planning on doing web design as a job once I get out of High School...:D<!--content--><p><body style="filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(endColorstr='#??????', <br />
startColorstr='#??????', gradientType='0');"></body></p> <br />
There you go...the question marks represent hex code values...<!--content-->"This site should be viewed in IE 5.5.."<br />
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WHAT THE HECK IS THAT!!? That tells me that the 'gradient code' will only work for Internet Explorer and isn't worth being touched. You would never catch me releasing a site that 'should' be viewed in a certain browser, that's a slap in the face of standards.<!--content-->Actually, the layout itself doesn't work with Netscape..That is why I have that error message,..who knows why....<br />
And you're right, it only works in IE, however, he asked for a gradient between two colors, and 97% of the population uses IE....myself NOT included...I now use Netscape...:D<!--content-->It works! THANKS!! :)<!--content-->You hypocrit, you denounce the use of IE and then give out code that promotes it.<!--content-->Alas, I am not a hypocrite...I know what IS....and that I won't change many people into using Netscape....which means there is no reason not to give someone what they asked for...they are using it with the knowledge that it doesn't work in any other browser other than IE....the thing's not an important part of the site...The background will just be plain white in other browsers, unless the user has specified something else...;)<!--content-->That's right, of course, silly me. 1 person CAN'T make a difference. There's no point struggling against the current.<br />
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The fact that IE will fade out of existance in the future won't be helped along by you at all will it? I hope that by the time I finish University, IE will be a long forgotten distant memory, which is more reasonable than it sounds. Micro$oft don't make any money from it, so why should they bother making it?<br />
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Edit: Also why the hell do you have a body tag in a paragraph.<br />
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<p><body style="filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(endColorstr='#??????',<br />
startColorstr='#??????', gradientType='0');"></body></p><!--content-->Don't even ask me, that's just the code I have...I'm pretty sure you can remove those safely, but I don't<!--content-->And I thought that I was the only one that was ticked, lol. The day that Internet Explorer dies is the day that the MASS majority of web developers will rejoice for decades (I know that I will :D) Currently, all that Micro$oft's Internet Explorer (which is a 'doctored' version of MoZilla 4.0; Check the UA [They seem to 'borrow' almost all of their products]) is doing is throwing chaos into an ordered system (the Web). Most will agree that if M$IE wasn't in the picture, Web Development would be much more 'walk in the park' than 'pull your hair out'.<!--content-->I would rejoice, too...however I DO realize that MOST people are using IE, so I MUST code to their browser as well....*grumble*<!--content-->Originally posted by neenach2002 <br />
I would rejoice, too...however I DO realize that MOST people are using IE, so I MUST code to their browser as well....*grumble* <br />
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I realize that; why do you think I'm so pissed with M$;)<!--content-->Hehe....<!--content-->