Grabbing data from table in PHP


New Member
So far this is what I have to work with:\[code\] <div class="toplist"> <div class="toplist_left"></div> <div class-"toplist_body"> <div class="toplist_right"></div> <div class="toplist_body_rank">9</div> <div class="toplist_body_link"><a href="">Gunz Reloaded &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size=1 color=#d4d2cf>Online</font></small></a></div> <div class="toplist_desc">27 7 || DDoS Protection || Hacks</div> <div class="toplist_votes">5665</div> </div> </div>\[/code\]I'm trying to find the table with the "toplist_body_link match and display it's "toplist_votes"Do you guys know how I could do this?I tried this:\[code\]<?php$topsite = file_get_contents('[removed link]');preg_match(('#<div class=\"toplist_body_votes\">(.*)#', $topsite, $match) && preg_match('#<a href="?support=details&id=204\">#'));$votes = $match[1];echo "Current Votes: $votes \n";?>\[/code\]Do you guys know what's wrong, why it won't work?