I have a function that grabs the cell text values from a flexigrid where a checkbox has been checked. But I am having a problem. When I click on the master checkbox(doesnt contain any text values as it is displayed with the column titles) it craps out because of the master checkbox.This is the error I get: \[code\]Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: #\[/code\]Here is my function that grabs the Event Date from the Flexigrid:\[code\]function getSelectedCopyDates() { var arr = new Array(); //for every row that has a checked checkbox $("tr").has(".noteCheckBox:checked").each(function (i) { //push the value of column(FName, LName) into the array arr.push($("#" + this.id + "> td[abbr='EventDate'] > div").text()); } }); return arr; }\[/code\]And here is a snippet of my flexigrid:\[code\] $('#viewNotesGrid').flexigrid({ url: url, dataType: 'json', method: 'get', colModel: [ { display: '<input type="checkbox" class="noteCheckBox" id="checkAllNotes" />', name: 'checkBox', width: 20, sortable: false, align: 'center', process: showDescription }, { display: 'File ID', name: 'FileID', width: 70, sortable: true, align: 'center', process: showDescription, hide: true },\[/code\]here is what it looks like: