Got Hacked


New Member
Hey, I got hacked by some no-life fat teenagers I guess that call themselves :


How can I recover from it ?

I checked the FTP and there is no index.html file anywhere, also my cpanel is still working, I changed the pass.

they probably editted your templates just revert the style forum home template and reupload index.php and reload your db
Thanks :)

I reuplaoded my DB using bigdump. I think they somehow put a redirection in all script or put a code in th DB but now its fine :)

Thanks !
Until you figure out what they did and how they did it, I wouldn't assume everything is fine if I were you. Check your logs for anything suspicious. You may have fixed the results of the hack, but you may not have closed the door to a return visit, possibly with worse results. Do some digging.
I did check the logs and nothing was suspicious, I deleted some stuff on my server I judge vulnerable.
dam they were naive to only edit the templates lol

if i would have done i would mass up ur db tables lol just to have my satisfaction lol and fun :D
Looks like a site defacer, if reloading the database solved the problem, it is likely that it was an injection attack. One that I know about is they piggyback a link onto the meta "Description" in vboptions though it could be almost anything in the database, they target the code that is loaded by the index.php. Efficient bastards that they are ... HTH