\[code\] many fields . cut table athwartships to many sub tables .is it right?I Main table includes the fields thoes are searched by users often ?? \[/code\]may Some tips for me. Below is the xml from API provider many fields . cut table athwartships to many sub tables .is it right? I Main table includes the fields thoes are searched by users often ?? may Some tips for me. Below is the xml from API provider\[code\]<q1:HotelDetail xmlns:q1="http://api.elong.com/staticInfo/"> <q1:id>00101006</q1:id> <q1:dateUpdated>2012-07-25T11:33:33</q1:dateUpdated> <q1:name/> <q1:address>Dong Si Liu Tiao 45, Dongcheng District, Beijing</q1:address> <q1:zip>100007</q1:zip> <q1:category>0</q1:category> <q1:typology>H</q1:typology> <q1:roomNumber>7</q1:roomNumber> <q1:availPolicy>