Googles only counts certain backlinks?


New Member
Does Google only count a backlink if the page the text link is on has the anchor text somewhere else on the page?Example: I heard that Google would only count a backlink if page A had a text link with the anchor text reading blah blah, then somewhere else on the page the words blah blah appeared in the regular content. If the words blah blah didn't appear on the page then the text link wouldn't count towards helping your serps position. Is that right? Google only give there own representation of a sites backlinks. A search in yahoo gives a more accurate count.Personally I have recently noticed that google only displays backlinks with a PR less than 4...What Google shows is only a "sample" of links. I think what you are talking about is theme linking. There is no proof that this is in effect at this time. At least for now ....All links are counted regardless of page content ... as long as it is not a "bad neighborhood".I think google counts it but as 'less important' to links from sites with relative content. Jess wrote:The way I see it is that if your key phrase is searched, how many of the sites listed in the results link to your site. Those are considered strong Links. Anyone else heard about this?this is true for classic seo - i think yahoo uses that and new msn uses that too. ? ? ?In my opinion, GoogleBot is a robot - so it has no innate intelligence and is not smart enough to tell what the theme of a site is and credit backlinks accordingly. As for links to my sites, Google will happily register PR1 or even PR0 backlinks. I find the vast majority of my reciprocal links - over 90% - are not credited by Google, whilst links that are not reciprocated by me are more likely to be credited - whatever the theme of the other site. In my opinion, 3 way linking is the key to Google crediting links to your site.Gandalf, what are you talking about?I dont get it.Something else I just found, someone posted a link in a blog that will use a Google search phrase to list your site in the resluts. Just tested it a bit and it seems to work. Though I don't imagine the crawlers will like it. But at least it will create some popularity for a search phrase, even if it is vague. try this link and see what I mean.'Hotels in Mallorca' as the link text ... 8&oe=UTF-8Any comments?