I have two identical web sites. One is http://www.aridolan.com hosted by one company, the other is http://www.arieldolan.com hosted by another company.I load a new (same) page to both sites. The next day I search for it in Google (entering the exact title). The page on one of the sites is found, the page in the other is not. Even after a long time (weeks, months), Google only finds my page on the the first site but not the other.This happens consistently, whenever I upload a new page.Looking in the stats of the "bad" site, Googlebot is reported to scan the site every day. However, it does not seem to add the pages.What is the explanation to the fact that new pages of one website appear immediately in Google, while the same pages in the other site never do, although it is scanned by Googlebot every day.Thanks,ArielThe reason is because Google filters out duplicate content in their search engine. It is seeing your websites as mirrors and is filtering out one of the websites so that you are not listed twice for the same query.You might look at this thread to learn more:http://www.ozzu.com/other-google-information-and-resources/duplicate-content-filter-t26997.htmlThanks for the explanation and the link.Currently all my new pages are indexed only for my less important site (arieldolan.com) and not for my original site (aridolan.com). How can I make Google index pages from aridolan.com and not from arieldolan.com?If I shall remove the pages (and the links to them) from my second site, will this make the corresponding pages in my original site to be indexed?juz guessing here...get yr more important site to be a higher PR?then google will recognise the higher PR site as the more important one...How do I get a higher PR for my main site?You have these sites on different servers?The problem is Google sees the duplication. Both sites show the same number of backlinks. When I follow the link back from 'arieldolan' ... I find a link pointing to 'aridolan'. So Google is treating them as the same site.I would say you have been found out.In order to transfer your PR you will probably have to use the 301 redirect discussed elsewhere.Is redirection by server code, e.g. (asp.net):Response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently"; Response.AddHeader("Location","http://www....")considered legitimate by Google and is not penalized?