First.. want to clarify somethingI = NOOB!when it comes to SEO lol, so, when i looked in my awstats i see googlebot hitting... say 2-3x a day.but today i went on and it hit 70 times in the space of 2 hours. (roughly)to me, thats a heck of alot does this mean anything?well, a little background about my site and google lol, i had a pr of 0.I had 2 domains parked at the same place. they evetually both got a pr of 5. whooho!then... both a pr of 0. i thought this was because of the duplicate content ruling, so i emailed google to see if i got a reply... i wasn't lol, so now i am doing a 301 redrect so 'in theory' they should pass on the pr to each other.well, latest pr update, i got a pr of 3 lolthinking this is a little low. considering-- = 132 backlinks = 113 backlinks.well.. anyone have any insight into this?The PR haven't been updated in a couple good months (as far as I know). As for hits, in website terms, a 'hit' is the download of any file from your server. So If I looked at your index page, which consists of 38 graphics, the html/php/asp file (using this as an example), me viewing that 1 page would already count as 39 hits.PR was updated a few weeks back (at least some sites were)There has recently been a backlink update (today) so that could have been the cause of it.I read an article somewhere that stated a good majority of webmasters were seeing more activity from googlebot in the last week or two.Lots of suggestions as to why, new algorithm, trying to crack down on cloaking pages (spammers), etc. Only google really knows what they are up to though Hmmm...I'm getting pretty sick of PRs. Quote:yea...which is what keeps this forum alive lolNucleo wrote: