Hi group
Could someone please have a look at this of give me a heads up please as I was just trying to get back into the swing of things
ta Nice post on your blog..
I believe what have you said is true, they are not 100% Trusted... and there is no such thing as accurate.. just like what those tool title suggest.. keyword "suggestion".. so its not accurate.. Google keyword tools are really very good and worthy. The different numbers are because one
Could someone please have a look at this of give me a heads up please as I was just trying to get back into the swing of things
ta Nice post on your blog..
I believe what have you said is true, they are not 100% Trusted... and there is no such thing as accurate.. just like what those tool title suggest.. keyword "suggestion".. so its not accurate.. Google keyword tools are really very good and worthy. The different numbers are because one