Google Zeitgeist


New Member
"Search patterns, trends, and surprises according to Google."Here is some interesting info on the type of visitors who use google. It shows the top gaining keywords typed in, as well as the top declining keywords typed in. It also shows what Operating system google visitors use, as well as their browser, and lots of other cool info. this graph out:As you can see MSIE 6.0 is definetly on the rise while everything else is decreasing.Yeah, I think most people have stopped caring about the browser wars and find it simpler to just go with IE that comes with their machine. Personally, I'm also quite happy with IE, but when it comes down to it, I can't say I've tried much of anything else.It also makes it easier for webmasters, as I don't bother making sure every change looks good in Netscape and the others anymore. As long as it looks how I want it to in IE then I'm happy.Yeah that is one reason I am happy most people are using IE, simply because it makes my life alot easier. I wouldn't mind people using other browsers as long as every browser interpreted things exactly the same as IE. However due to the fact browsers are always improving (for the most part) that will likely never happen completely.