Google won't let us stay put!


New Member
After months of work we finally got a decent Google ranking. (I have previously been told at this board not to ever mention rankings). Anyway we can't seem to get Google to put us somewhere and leave us. One day we are listed 3 pages from where we were the day before. This morning our site was moved within hours. Another thing that happens is that the lower it is placed the fewer the backlinks. What could be causing this??? I looked around this board and couldn't find any posts on this subject. Here is our website: http://www.awesometuxedo.comThere have been lots of ups and downs for past few days. Possibly a google PR update soon You may also be hitting different datacenters. It appears Google isn't synchronizing all of them for some reason. For example, 6 datacenters are currently showing my pre Feb 5th results, 7 are showing post Feb 5th results, and the rest are showing results since the last backlink update in March. Depending on which datacenters I check my keywords, I come up with different results.i think we have to get used to with it.Yeap, I guess that's just part of the game these days. We had a website who's ranking didn't change for 2 years about 3 years ago. The different data centers have to be the answer. I checked on two different computers here and we were listed differently on each one. Checked again a few minutes later and they were both showing us ranked the same. Called a friend and on his computer we were ranked different than both of mine. We'll hang in there! Good luck to all you guys and thank you for the update.It's been posted here several times before, but this is a good tool to use for checking various datacenters: raises an intersting point - will google datacenters ever be in synch?Since forever, they have been inconsistent with results.Interestingly, this link talks about datacenters/results needing time to settle after a major update. how long a time do they need. Hmm, maybe its google's way of making it harder for SEOs to influcence results. Who knows right.Back to the chicken tikka.....go the tumeric... Based on how many sites came out of the sandbox with the last update and most of the fluctuations are with new sites....maybe they are working on the offline portion of the algo...and comparing results...tweaking filters and what not...sites on the edge of the "box" are bouncing all over....anybody tracking datacenters and results?I have been. My theory, is they are retaining a couple solid backups of the periods between updates, and as you say tweaking, but also have valid fallbacks if it doesn't work as planned. That's just my theory anyway.