Google wont index linked pages...


New Member
I am having problems with google not indexing my website fully. I get hits from the spider on my pages, a lot of hits from google a day, and my homepage listing on google is updated jsut about daily, however, google has not indexed any of the pages linked to from my menu.

The website is <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> , and there are no meta tags or robot files preventing google from fully spidering it, before we moved to a new host, our old free host got indexed correctly, google search (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... l&filter=0</a><!-- m -->) for the old hosts url shows that but in the past 2 weeks, search for only returns my homepage, which doesnt seem right with how much google seems to spidering the site based on stat tracking...

anyone have any idea why possibly?