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New Member
Hey everyone - total newbie to this whole webmaster and SEO world and of course, with knowing very little about all of this I already ran into a problem. I recently (well - lets say 1 month ago) launched my eCommerce store.I submitted to all search engines including Google and also registered the site at DMOZ.I implemented a robots.txt (Status OK) and uploaded a Google Sitemap (Status OK).Google is coming every day (average 2 times) and is hitting everything that I want them to hit.NOW - the big question... until today, Google has not indexed my site. What could be wrong? Does it always take Google such a long time ? I am just curious because for an online business it is kind of crucial to be indexed All your help is appreciated.CheersChrisIt takes time. Be patient.Google 0 pages Yahoo pages MSN 0 pages That was the result of a saturation tool I sometimes use when checking pages indexed in search engines.Normally msn search is the easiest to get listed and indexed on.My advice is look for some sites already indexed that can complement your site content... sites offering similar stuff ( well not really the goods, but sites that discuss the goods you sell).If you get some good relevant inbound links that will help your indexing.The other piece of advice is how are the spiders reading your pages that you want them to hit - they may hit it and bounce off it if they cannot read it... is there sufficient text in the content of the site for the spider to recognise it as a useful site that merits inclusion in the index..?This is a spider simulator I checked your main page with.. the results are not great for being spider friendly - you added Google Sitemap but that may not help this if it cannot read the locations correctly ... although I am starting out in SEO myself and do not have all the answers am afraid - I am trying things with my site and monitoring results. Some of the experts may be able to help you out more - my impression is it is not spider friendly and not sure if anything after the ? is going to get indexed properly.Quote:It gonna take sometimes before your site is being index unless a high PR rank link to your site.Never use the search engines site submission forms. No telling how long you will wait in the que when you do that. Just get a link back to your site. The higher the PR the faster you will get indexed, but even a low PR will get you in a couple of weeks. I just added your link to my PR5 Blog. It might not work though, Google may ignore it because you used the submission form and are already in the que.Correct me if I'm wrong, but... AFAIK for new web sites (i.e. recently registered domains) Google imposes some sort of temporary penalty, something called "sandbox". It may take up to 6 months to get clear. Ofcourse, just as ebno said - if you have good PR link to your site it helps a great deal When in the "sandbox" you simply will not be in the ranks . But Google will index you straight away. As a matter of fact, you cannot be in the supposed sandbox unless your site has been indexedWell, as far as I understand the logic - your site can successfully be indexed, just not in search results yet. Meaning - content has been crawled by Googlebots, stored on Googleservers and chewed by Googlerythms ( ) but you're not going to see your site in search results for quite some time. That's pretty much what happened to couple of site my company just developed, but since we have other resources to link from - it didn't hit client that hard.In any case - it's just my speculations. I don't work for Google, so can't really say what's going on for real It can be very frustrating for a new site... like an incubation period while your site undergoes various google tests to determine whether it is legitmate, a spam site or insignificant content to merit returning on serps.In theory I am not opposed to the 'sandbox' affect although by google not making it clear if it even exists, many, many webmasters risk getting their site banned from listings and wasting a fortune trying to ensure google index and list their site.If google made an implicit statement - and other major search engines agreed of a period of no more than 3 months in an incubation period while more stringent tests are carried out to evaluate content quality, relevance and eliminate spam and junk sites... then it would lead to a significant change in the overall quality of websites on the internet.The improved quality is what all search engines are ideally aiming for so some form of incubation period would not be a bad thing... in terms of a new company they can factor in this incubation period for their planning and therefore potentially save thousands of pounds (dollars) on overhyped advertising and marketing companies that guarantee inclusion in search engines ( but never give a set date when they will be included).If such a statement was made it would prevent many thousands of small webmasters from risking having their site banned from serps inclusion as they would be aware they didn't have to keep submitting it to various search engines but concentrate on building links from relevant companies who already have a web presence.Overall, if a new site was requiring immediate exposure then it would use search engine / advertising sites to give them that exposure. This would mean more $ for google and other search engines. It would mean small, independent websites just wait it out for the maximum of 3 months - during this time they can concentrate on building up backlinks, increasing content quality, increasing site relevancy and optimising their website as opposed to wasting their time trying to get fully indexed and submitting their site multiple times which may incur a penalty.Quote:Very well put!In addition: sometimes an old domain can be put in sandbox while being offered for sale. That is if domain was up for grabs with bunch of PPC links (you know what I mean, right?) it will appear in sandbox for quite a while. That's another experience we've been throuhg lately.My new online store 3D wooden puzzle has no problem get into yahoo and msn search engine but google. I setup a sitemap which has no error and submit product list to froogle. However I can't get it index under google web search. Does anyone know if there is a way to check why? Thanks.Whenever I launch a new site I use my search engine submission toll and link the site to my homepage and am often indexed in a week max. My new homepage,, was indexed within a few days and as soon as I added a new sub-page to my site this was also indexed in a few days. A site I set-up under 2 months ago has 11 pages indexed already by Google and about the same in Yahoo! and MSN etc. But maybe I'm just lucky!PS: I've just noticed a site I set-up under a month ago now has 35 pages indexed! If Google is visiting your site, than it is indexing it too. Sometimes Google takes it's time showing you that they have done so though. And as mentioned a few times above, get links to your site, submit to directories.