With Google starting the Email service (Gmail) with an idea that you should never have to delete mail and you should always be able to find the message you want , how about Google starting an ecards service , service which allows people to share their feelings with their loved ones.eMail : gmail.google.comGreeting Cards : ggreetingcards.google.comWeb Portals like Yahoo and MSN ( Do they compete with Google or just another search engine) which have merged with American Greetings (paid cards) to offer cards, and Google being a free site can merge with 123Greetings offering free ecards content through their associates program.(I am unable to see American Greetings offering an content syndication anymore.)Just a suggestion for Google, let me know what you all think and if google does starts with it. Wish I could get something offering an idea for Google, just kiddin.I don't really know whether this is a right place to post. Any comments...Google have bigger fish to fry.Gbrowser will be coming out this year.Then the Google OS.then who knows what will happen. i cant see them doing greetings cards, there are millions of sites already doing that.Listening to Google 60 minutes they gave a great insite into where their future is going.Send a text message from anywhere in the world and google will search their database and send you a reply within seconds. Great for finding pizza places in a big city This is already in beta but im sure it will be huge for them!They also made an indirect challenge to microsoft, so whatever microsoft do, we could be seeing from G.Obviously there biggest challenge is to make their search more knowledgeable...Have you read about Google Library http://google.blogspace.com/archives/001493Now that will be useful.That would be cool.It reminds me of futurama where the library has 2 disks, fiction and non fiction.I dont know if we should enchourage googles hunger for world domination.meman wrote:lol yeh i think you are right.The net will eventually be censored like any other media and it will be google doing the cersoring. its not good to have something thats so dependent on advertising deciding what we can and can not view.