Google Update


New Member
Does anyone know or can guess when we can expect the next google update? Based off stats, I heard they are being spread further and further apart. Anyone care to shed any light on the situation.What kind of update?Cerebro wrote:PR depends on only one factor. Backlinks.I meant PR update. When was the last one in June? Will the next one be around October?People think the next toolbar PR update will be middle to late october. It could be any time though.I have been maintaining my site since July and until now google haven't picked up any backlinks on it yet, my site had been indexed already so I'm wondering what could be wrong?...basically they do what they want, when they want, and every webmaster on the planet waits like a bitch for itI remember seeing an announcement somewhere. The updates are suppose to be happening sometime in 3 weeks or so.That would just be a guess, Google don't announce any backlink or toolbar PR updates.But internally they update both many times a day.I just had backlinks change for me on two differnet sites.yeh there is a BL update in progress now.Numerous people have stated on other forums that their PR changed recently - however, in all cases their PR went down 1 ... so it was more likely a google PR change that had been rolled out and eventually caught their sites.Google effectively assign PR to all sites with every counting link - they just dont let the public version show very often... and then it can take 6 weeks from the public PR to reflect accurately on the toolbar (but even then it is out of date).Simple thing is to try and continue building quality links (not spamming or from link farms etc), and eventually you will notice your PR updated.yep... google finally picked up a couple of my backlinks... though I don't have any PR change yet.. *sigh* patience is a virtue...I go on several webmaster forums from time to time, it never fails to amaze me that there is always a thread like this on the go. I still can't understand why people are more obsessed with PR and BL's than actual traffic.