google toolbar autolink - Opt out or not?


New Member don't see what the big deal is. They aren't hard wiring the code into the publishers website, it's simply being "overlayed" onto the page. Users will have the google toolbar, and will know about this function, and will be able to turn it off if they so desire. To me it's no big deal.I think this sucks!This is no different than is modifying what the web creator has built and overlaying their own content....right now it only effects publishing sites but what happens when they expand it to cover other topics.As for users being able to disable the feature...most of them won't even know the links are not from the site they are on.....this is deceptive. I see so many people that have the toolsbar installed and don't even know about PR....or the fact that they the pop up blocker turned on along with two other pop up blockers...and a ton of adware.....the average user is just that average.So after promoting your site to the top of the rankings...along comes google and diverts visitors from your site to some other is this good?This is just forced adwords!!!!