Google To Offer Free Broadband Telephone Services


New Member
Google is taking over the technology world...Quote:wow....Google internet bars - coming to a town near your. I swear that will be on their list soon - talk about marketing.....this topic was posted a while ago. i think everyone should watch it. think eventually Google will become a big competitor with Microsoft. I saw this comming before Google news and GMail. they will become a technology monopoly. there is no doubt in my mind.They will become the microsoft of the internet, sad sad state of affairs.LOL ima love it when Microsoft goes down!! when a company that primarily provides software has more lawyers than programmers, there is a big problem. i think Google will be more honest anyways. and their browser that is *rumored* to be in the making, will be free.most bundled spyware is free... There are a lot of free browsers that will be better than the Gbrowser. I think google are trying to move to fast. In the end they will have a bunch of crap that nobody really wants instead of a few ground breaking products and ideas. They arnt thinking of anything new. same old same old.