Google takes down Build my rank - Keep a close eye on your SEO tactics.


New Member
I read about this on another forum, but I thought I would pass the new across this way.

Quote: Some SEOs thought blog networks were sound marketing strategies, but Google thinks otherwise. If you belong to a blog network, you are essentially paying for links and you know how Google looks down on paid links! And this is what happened to build my rank. The entire blog network, that had a subscription service going.

Quote: Build My Rank, one of the top blog networks, was obliterated from the web after Google de-indexed its thousands of blogs. Every blog that belonged to the network along with every website that received links will feel the sting of this one. You ca read the rest of the article here at Site Reference

Any thoughts? The idea is obviously counted as one of the unnatural, and manipulative, ways to earn back links. It's taking on Google, and Google has obviously been hit, got irritated by it, and wants to put things back to normal.

I used to believe that using blog networks really is a good strategy up until I found out that it's no more than spinning an article and submitting it to all the article directories you can discover. It's nothing new, nothing special. The core problem is still there for Search Engines take actions. Contents get spun, leading to countless of unreadable versions. Even worse, 1 single copy of an article gets distributed to a thousand blogs? That's a huge duplicate problem. And, who wants to read an article that makes you sound like a robot? Certainly, it has to die. The idea has to be discontinued. Thanks Google! It makes sense. My small blog network that I created myself still works fine for what I need. If thousands of people start using the same thing, of course it is going to look weird to Google and they will take action against it. Keep things personal or between a few of your friends if you want it to keep working. I wasn't a member of Build My Rank, but I AM a member of LinkVana. To me, its essentially the same as BMR. What keeps Google from deindexing LinkVana's links as well? I know that nothing keeps Google from doing this, but what are some of the other ways that some of you are doing in order to get WhiteHat backlinks? I'm no SEO expert, and maybe some of you guys could comment on these ideas:
-Article Marketing: is article marketing still considered good ways to get quality backlinks?
-Press Releases: I have never done press releases. Mainly because I can't find a company that lets you pay by the month for "X" amount of releases. Most press releases I have found charge for each individual release (which kinda gets expensive).

Beyond this, I have no other ideas on how to get good quality backlinks out there. Of course, the old "leave a comment, and hope it sticks" plan still works too. I have found a site that has a DoFollow comment section its He explains that if you post "