You guys have probably seen this already, i havnt, so i was quite impressed and thought id post it. The author has also posted a tutorial about it which i have been looking at, but i dont understand it. I would love to have this on my site if i could figure it out. going to start looking for a zipped version that i can just unzip and upload lol (im a lazy bastard).With soap and googles API licence keys i think we will start seeing a lot more different ways for people to interact with google, This will let people modify everything from the search box to the results page to fit in with thier own sites, themes and colour scemes.Another step in google 12 step plan for world domination.// Is this the right forum for this post?its a cool looking face for google. and he says in his tutorial that the flash is up to you. but he does give you the code.Huh. That's pretty cool. It's not that hard since he has the coding right there for the flash and the google2flash (php)1. Get a Google API account <-- I thought these were expensive :: maybe not2. Create a Flash file that connets to the google2flash.php file3. The google php file connects to google, gets the results, and sends it back.PM me if you are interested. I don't have the time right now but will post an API here if someone wants.It's his/her code but since it's on the web, he/she doesn't care if we use it From Google ::: Your Google Account and license key entitle you to 1,000 automated queries per day. :::So it is free unless you go over 1KI tried doing the flash thing, i think it looks real nice.I use an api licence for the search thing in my sig. Its a good idea from google, people can edit search pages and results page to fit in with thier sites easily.