Any one hear about the Google robots."Google Robots are our human-like machines that walk the earth to record information. They do no harm, and they do not invade your privacy."If anyone know more about google robots please tell to you can find all information regarding to Google Robot .What are Google Robots good for?"Our Google Life search website is powered by the Google Robot crawler program. " I saw a Google Robot entering a library and reading books in it. Is that legal?"Our Google Robots do not record private information. As the books in a library are considered to be public, our Google Robots reserve the right to scan them. However, we do respect the copyright of individual works, and will only show a "fair use" portion on our website."What happened to other robotic devices, such as the Google Keyhole satellite program, or the Google Print project?"We still use specific robotic devices to record specific information. For example, our Google Robots do not surf the web, yet; this part of the equation is still left to the so-called Googlebot. Also, we still take satellite snapshots of the earth. However, it already shows that Google Robots give a far more detailed 3-dimensional picture of the earth they're walking."Also visit- more information about Google robot.Is this one of theiir April fool's day things like the pigeon pank or the luna base (or giving away a whole gig of email storage)? I can't find anything on the official site about it...