google reindexing drops ranking


New Member
Sounds crazy to me and it is, but none the less, after we were partially indexed and ranked 29th then later the partial indexed site(no description) went to 124th, we were finally fully indexed and placed right in the 554th position. Needles to say 8 days after submitting google, cached us but didn't show it, this is during the 29th ranking, if I look at my cache I see it is from that time, and so what in the world is going on, I am truly at a loss of words and have basically figured screw it and simply advise everyone to use any other search engine but google. So other than that anyone have an idea what is going on. ( ThanksSounds like the data center were synching up, which would account for your site jumping all over the place. Also, check your backlinks against those of your competitors.can't just go postal?Few Questions:How old is your site?What keyword are you tracking that your seeing this jump around of positioning?...because your currently indexed, showing a description, just not cached.golfshirtspro has been around for around 4 years, and once where #3, for golf shirts, actually I am only working ranking for golf shirts. I checked the back links and it has none, so when google reindexed it I assume it lost all its backlinks, hum well we have plenty of sites out there with us on them, but I need to double check The internal pages are all made with the mod rewrite alteration of apache so the dynamic content is more easily crawled. I figure, since I have 3 others that are in the same boat but have not been reindexed will do the same. Have any ideas for getting the backlinks noticed quicker. I also noticed on the pages that I did find of our internal site, google is going to the internal pages where the session id is added and not to the mod rewrite/hub file, this can't help. Um should I block google form going these pages?So this site has been online four years? I would think that you would have had a pagerank of something besides zero, which is what you currently have.Did you make any big changes recently?Right we were PR4 even why'll we had no decsription, and then when it gave us the description it must have started us over in the back of the line. So well looks like I shall be submitting it all over again Ja know!When you drop from a PR of 4 to a 0, and didn't make any huge changes, it can mean you were penalized...or any link you had pointing to your site no longer points there. I would doubt that though, because the very pages within your site will usually give you at least some Pagerank.Having no description will not effect Pagerank. Pagerank is all based on the number of links you have coming into your site.I emailled help@google - a why'll back and they said I wasn't penalized. So here is what I also have for example - our sports stuff links to on index and internal, as well as, With all of these sites linking to each other, can this be bad enough to penalize or drop us like what has happened?Some pretty strange things going on with your site ...It looks like you are using the same two titles on your pages ... The other thing, is when I click on several of the results in Google I get an error?Quote:Yeah I have know idea where that came from I saw that this morning, I will get that fixed tonight, there quite a few of those,getting that taken care of.Actually every page is the same page, with different actions, retrieving different data. That stuff was real old links, and since they do not use the format to bring up items, it won't display a title, meta tags etc.Ok, folks I got it, and I appreciate all the help and ideas, no more postal, just postcards!! I see what is going on and have a better crasp on this reality. Yet any other ideas throw them my way I am all eyes I think you may have suffered a penalty...when I search yahoo for your links I get 7900+ but 99% of them come from one site: which has a may have tripped some spam filter by having so many links from one site pointing to your other site: http://www.golfshirtspro.com seems to have a similar incomming link scenario but has not been affected.I also noticed that google has you cached under with out the http://www...not sure what to do from here...maybe just get a new domain