New Member
I got home and my wife told me to try a search on google. I did a search for my website this is the results. ... ishandhuntIt doesnt give me listings is gives me links to a bunch of crappy search engines thru google.Is this spyware or what?Any help is greatly appreciated.If I need to take some screen shots to let you see what I see let me know!Dougdownload this: sounds like your browser has been hijacked.If this doesn't clear it up...go here and scroll to the bottom to the official download area and get hijack this. are a few things that can help you prevent and remove spyware: SpyBot, and AdAware. (I'm to lazy to remember the URL's, but doing a search will bring them up)Be careful about downloading any anti-spyware program, since ironically many actually do contain spyware!The search worked for me, sounds like you have something on your computer that manipulates words to links and links. Download Adware6.0 from Another great resource is AVG Anti Virus, its a free updateable antivirus program thats been working on my computer with no problems.You can also get AdWare 6.0 from http://www.lavasoft.comIt works really well!