Google PR


New Member
What does PR mean to you? More importantly - why?See to me, PR is very outdated, it's like, David Beckham getting a new haircut.... I just don't care anymore.Google havn't bothered to update PR in 3 months - So do we think they really care about it anymore? If they were that bothered about it then why havn't they updated it? All they are offering there users are outdated results.More importantly - If it is such a big part of the Google algorithm, would they really base their SERPS on a set of results that are outdated and unreliable?I would much rather be number 1 for my targeted phrase than have a PR10 - Who cares if I have a PR10 - If I have a number 1 position i'm getting traffic - and lots of it!I see a lot of newbies come on these forums stressing about whether to swap links with a PR page that is lower than their own, or stating they will never exchange links with a PR0.Who made Google god of the internet? You basing your whole logics around one companies opinions...... These opinions being 3 months out of date? Its crazy.What good does having a PR5 do you? What have you ever gained from it? This is simply one companies opinion.... and they havn't even been bothered to keep thir opinion up to date! Shows how much they really care about your site doesn't it.Ask me - Send me a email and i'll rank your web site from one to ten for you.... At least my way you'd have an actual person review your site.... Not just based on how many links you can pay for.To be honest PR is just annoying now. In it's time it was novel, It was different and it gave us all something to aim for. But I don't look at PR anymore when looking to exchange links..... I don't care what my PR of the sites I run is, Because it's of no benefit to myself to worry about it or care. When I look to echange links - based on googles algoithm of "more links from higher PR sites = a higher PR for yourself" well I just don't know what PR these sites would really have.I run a new site. Almost 3 months old. There hasn't been a PR update in the sites life so it's a PR0. But does that mean the sites rubbish? Does that mean its not worth visiting? Not at all. It simply means Google are to wrapped up in themseleves to continue with something that they created.The fact is - the site in question has around 17 PR7 sites linking to it from different IP ranges, so would probably go straight in at PR8.... Im lost - and i'm lost about the fact that im the only one lost...It's been 3 months ........ Come on, why do you care anymore? No PR you are seeing is relevant, Googles opinion has died. Let it go.Well I too is growing frustrated by Googles attitude.I do believe that toolbar PR is dead, but that does not mean that I dont care who is linking to me. It is still utterly important to get good relevant websites to link to you - I just dont look at these sites PR anymore. I have my own algorithm for sorting my linkpartners.Solutions wrote:Quote:When I started off as a webmaster I didn't know anything I was using a free hosting company and I had a junk ad site. I didn' evey know HTML.I'm getting to the point shortly.I'm in the advertising business and I'm starting to make some a good residuall income from text links.A good part of that is due to the precieved value of a link and the PageRank of site that it is on. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a linkmonger. I just a guy capitalizing on other people's value judgements.In my experience banner ads have generated more sign ups thantext links.Some of my sites rank 1st, 2nd and 3rd on Google for some keywords, but the majority of my traffic comes from other sources.I think most webmasters start out like me, clueless.Have any of bought one of those deals like submit your site to 3,000,000 search engines, directories, etc. You are thinking sweet now I'll get some visitors.Or send an email to 100,000 people for something like $35. Sweet now I'll make some sales.But until you figured out a way to get real traffic you were about to give up on the whole internet thing.Well we'll say I had time to do my homework when I was unemployed.I don't think many webmasters have time to do the market research.I think alot of people here thing likes "experts agree" about google and search engines. And about how people search for stuff are more likely to buy than people who randomly visit your website. Some is true and some isn't. I think people are really dependant on search engines for traffic because they don't know what options they really have.Google being one of the most popular search engines it just makes sense for people to be caught up in PR. People are dependant on thing like PageRank for the same reason we are still driving gasoline powered automobiles. They just don't know better. PR links are what the in crowd is doing so alot of people just follow suit.But links are blue and cash is green.Somebody tell me if I'm way off base here. It's really late and I kindy tired. maybe I'm not thinking clearly.Pr isn't dead.. Its just how its done.. I my self look at this, am I going to get clicks on my information and does the page have pr.. If its a no to one or the other.. I refuse to exchange links.. Its that simple..It is very nice to hear your view!reciprocal"I my self" just doesn't sound right. It' like saying you are extra importand by using "I" twice.People do it all the time but it is not correct grammer it's like signs that say "illegal engine braking pohibitted" we know that if it is illegal it is also prohibited. Illegal means prohibited by law. "ATM machine" is another what does the M at the end of ATM stand for so it is a gratuitious use of the letter M. An ATM machine, wouldn't that be an machine that makes ATMs. "Talent and gifted" don't talent and gift mean the same thing, why say both words.But the point is good, If you are not going to get visitors from swapping links with someone it's not really worth doing. If the backlink won't count on search engines(boosting your ranking and getting you visitors) it isn't really worth doing.OK so I just spent last week requesting a lot of links from other people for my existing site.. didn't even check Page Rank. So I got the google toolbar to check pagerank for my site and it's PR5... and checking a keyword search I'm seeing people as low as PR0 and several PR4s way ahead of me... i'm just beginning the super optimization of my site (rewriting the site in CSS tonight which cut filesize in about half) so i have a ways to go but the fact that my PR is as high as it is makes me wonder why my listings aren't higher? What are the most important other factors does google find more important that I need to hone in on besides PR? It seems to me PR is just about useless if you have a higher PR than other sites and better content and your site still is ranked for *plum* Also, what is the general consensus on reporting others who are blatantly spamming/cloaking to get high listings? Do the engines actually remove those people if you report them? Do others do this? Just curious. Some of my keywords are very competetive so a lot of the people willing to break all the rules are getting up high.I did a site review for Google and it just so happened to be an affiliate site that wasn't honest in their dealings. I told the people at Google about my experience with the business and they seemed to be greatful for the feedback.I don't really know about alot of the major search engines.If the site is spammy you should report it, maybe nothing will happen but the site may be removed or banned.I agree with Jess. PR is way overrated and Google is either improving it with some badass feature powering it or they're gonna dump it in the next few months. I don't judge by PR anymore. It's a waste of time.Either would be a step in the right direction.What is most important? I keep seeing people say to get more links, but that mainly helps with PR, and if you've got a good PR you've probably already got decent links... other than PR/links, what is most critical for google to get ranked in your keywords... i've heard some say to build tons of keyword rich pages, but i haven't seen much mentioned of that here? what's the best thing to do, especially for competetive keywords.psyc0w wrote:kerjan21 wrote: