Google Policies - A few questions


New Member
Can I have 2 yahoo contextual ads with a google image ad?and would this setup be max:4 Google referral buttons1 link unitand 2 Contextual unitsThanks for the help. Just looking for limitations.Hey Elite,As far as I know, you cannot combine ANY contextual ads with Google ads, either image or text.As far as max setup is concerned, the ToS specifies that you can display the following on one page:1. Three ad units2. One link unit3. One referral button PER PRODUCTAssuming there are four referral products, then the max would be four. In addition, I believe that you can display up to two search boxes. I'd recommend against "overloading" your pages with ad blocks, however - this can sometimes be a turn off to your visitors, and can actually hurt revenues rather than help them.HTH,Sam