Google Ontology Analysis


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Google Ontology Analysis Sounds like something that could be cleared up with a little ointment but it's not: - ... alysis.phpThe article deals with how words associated to your keywords can make your site more relevant to google.// Moderator Edit : Please be careful not to include PHP Session IDs with URLs you paste in public posts Kind of like stemming...Great article! Im trying out their tool now: example for "home office furniture"Recommended keywords to use via tool:"chairs""desks""sofas"Top 2 listings in Google: ... +furnitureEach have "chairs" and "desks" in their title...This is just one exmaple, just so happened to be my first test...The tool is OK...but it seems to fail on locations. It will only return the plural and possessive of the town/state you search on. I also found it helpful to search on words that are associated with your keyword. Like vetofunk tried "home office furniture" and it returned chair, desks, search on chairs and desks.Yeah, I am seeing that it is not as good as I first thought. I think it just got lucky on my first test. Ill test a few more keywords/sites though.Any idea where they get there info from? Is this part of the google API?Do you think they took their info from top ten results?I wondering about the info for the associated word tool. Who is supplying the associated words.Here's what the test data consisted of:"This month we used 1000 keywords that are known to have related words in the Google ontology. We also have the data on exactly what those related words are. Using this information, we took the top 10 results for these 1000 single word keywords and analyzed the page keyword density for the related words found in the Google ontology."