Google matching URL to keywords and Capitalisation


New Member
Hi everyone,Here's an interesting one ...On reading various advice, I changed the URLs for my directory site to have meaningful names to help boost my SERPs. Now I know that on Google this is only supposed to make a small difference - but when all else is equal you try everything.Anyway, I've done this by using capitalised words separated by underscores to make the words distinct from a human reading and search engine perspective. Only, looking at the results on Google it appears that it doesn't match the keywords to my URL whilst it does with other sites.By the way, my site is : you search on for 'Property for sale in Mojacar' my site comes up as 6th from 17,000(ish). Click on the link below to see ... if you look at the first item, the URL has a number of the keywords in bold. However if you look down the list, mine doesn't have the kewords highlighted. Odd isn't it?Looking through at different examples I've excluded the possible cause as the page being a .php file or having a numeric ID in it.Any thoughts or advice always welcome? Have I been stupid in capitalising the URL ?Thanks.I don't think this has anything to do with thecapitalization of your URLs. With Google it reallyshouldn't make a difference.~KPS.: You may want to fix your signature My moneys on the fact that you have used underscores ( _ ) instead of hyphens ( - ) Meaning Google dont see the words in the URL's as seperate words.// edit. Actually looking at the results so have some of the others. But have you tried un-capitalizing the first words? You could answer your question yourself by simply trying it.Thanks both for your replies ...Jess. I though this might be it at first too - but if you look at the No.1 site in the example above, that uses underscores and Google has still recognised the keywords in the URL / made them bold. The only thing that seems to be dfiferent is the use of capitals - strange isn't it?Implix. I've read varying thoughts on this. If Google doesn't care it does seem a little odd that it picks out the words in the URL on the results page don't you think? By the way, I've been off the forums for a little while (had a new baby - very tired most of the time ) - my signiture used to work - has the site changed to not permit links in the signiture? I've removed this anyway for now.Thanks,MikeOops, changed my signiture now Hi Jess,Seen your edit, thanks.I went through quite a lot of trouble changing the site last time and changing the URL is quite involved (in as much as I have to mark all old instances as permanent redirects and also try to notify people that link to these pages that they should change the link so I don't loose PR).However, I wonder if a change in a URL capitalisation would be treated as a different page by the search engines? Certainly if you try a URL with the lower case the server redirects the page (but I wonder what sort of redirect it does?).Checking further, if you look at page three of the example results (or click the link below), you will see the first on the page also doesn't have the keyword text highlighted - because of capitalisation. This is an odd one as Google is certinaly care insensitive in titles / descrtipions. I do have to go through the pain of changing my URLs again. The benefit you get from keywords in your URL is only small. But i'd certainly tend to have them there.I just spent about ten minutes trying to find a capitaliztion in the url that Google had highlighted.... none. Very interesting find that!While I am growing frustrated with Google because of the lack of methodical PR updates it is nice to see some real news on the Google front. Good observation, Mike I have never noticed this phenomenon before, but I am certain that I will never use capitalized letters in my URL's again - I dont think I ever have, but now I am glad I didn't. I too have searched Google for capitalized, bolded keyphrases without any finds.I touched on this in your other thread so I guess it would be OK to elaborate further here. While developing my link harvester robot ... I ran into a problem with some *nix servers. These servers returned page not found errors if the capitalization was removed from the file name. File names are case sensitive on some systems.So Google would have to retain capitalization found in links just in case. Text searches (title, description, and text) can be performed without worrying about case.