Google map, last 100 visitors


New Member
A visitor goole map.

A visitor visits your site, and a small flag is marked on google map
which all can click and enjoy. much fun.

quite useless, but interesting in any case.

I cant take credits for code since its all made availible
for free by Google Map of Your Site Visitors

i just modified the link and img and added into footer.


Demo :
at the bottom.

Installation :

Admincp > Styles and templates > Style manager >
Just hit "go" way to the right of the style you wish to add this in..

in the footer section :

search for :
Add below : Code:
<!----  Visitor map ---->
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="ZIP Code Maps" border="0"></a>
<!----  End visitormap ->
Click save somewhere on the page..

browse to your site, and viola, click it to check its working.


I made a small Module for those with Vbadvanced which can be found Here
Is there any way I can restrict this to Moderators, Super Mods and Admins? I have a bunch of paranoid users who are afraid that Radio Shack will locate them and fire them or harass them in some fashion. I know it doesn't id the users, but I have a neurotic bunch of special cases on my site.
Well since its me that made this and destributed it over at and

Im wondering why VbMobile hacks says its him,
anyway happy to see someone could use it.
Eqvaliser said:
Well since its me that made this and destributed it over at and

Im wondering why VbMobile hacks says its him,
anyway happy to see someone could use it.

Are you the creator of this ????