Google last crawling date Dec 14th 2010?


New Member
Hi friends,

Google search engine crawled my website home page last crawling date Dec 14th 2010. My site pagerank is 4 and backlink also good.

I can't understand the reason. Anyone know explain me.. I've been having the same problem with Google lately as well
Some of my pages are updated on regular basis, and still Google crawls them every 2 or 3 weeks.

I've tried pinging these pages and creating a custom robots.txt file, but these didn't help at all.. Quote: Originally Posted by ponmayil Hi friends,

Google search engine crawled my website home page last crawling date Dec 14th 2010. My site pagerank is 4 and backlink also good.

I can't understand the reason. Anyone know explain me.. Is the site updated with new content regularly? When was the last time that new content was added? i don't think that's very unusual at all.

did/do you expect the front page to be indexed/cached more often - and why?

my understanding google will visit a pr 4 site on a fairly regular basis, I put that in my experience as every 2-6 weeks (or at least that's how often new cached pages may actually show up), but if there's no new material being added over a long period of time to googlebot may visit less often.

do you add new material to your site, front page and inner pages fairly regularly? I've found and read that tends to bring the spiders around more often....though of course things vary as many factors go into their visting schedule. all in all 2-3 weeks between cached pages for the front page of a pr 4 site is not unusual as far as i can ascertain...

maybe if you got a few more (authority) links to the front page or to the inner pages that might facilitate things try social bookmarking it again Just do some content updation on your site. as it is PR4 , so very soon it will be crawled by Google. Google's spider must be still having holiday.
Quote: Originally Posted by stevemarino Is the site updated with new content regularly? When was the last time that new content was added? I am update home page, news section and meta tags changed in last week Friday. Last week my site traffic report reduced, Google not crawling home page yet. But webmaster tool also showing no message.