Please could someone help me make sense of the Google keyword scores. I don't know if high or low scores are good and can only seem to find more tools to help me get meaningless scores rather than explanations of those scores.Sorry if I am being dim but would appreciate your help.I've never seen the keyword "scores" you are refering to, but perhaps this will address your underlying need for your reply, but it doesn't really help. If you use the Google keyword popularity tool, you get a results count. I just don't know what it means. Is high good or bad?What Google keyword popularity tool?This one:'s one of the things you can download from Google API and put on your site, there are others but this is the one I use, just can't make sense of the scores.Hope this helps and now someone can help me!The tools just show how many times the terms showed in google SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages).I've tested for "bespoke web" terms in both and you can check the results are the same:Google Keyword Popularity ResultResult for "Bespoke web" in google Search