im looking for a tool for adsense keywords can someone give me any advise? ... ordSandboxThe adwords google is mainly used to search for the keywords which has the best rating and which can make your website in the top 1-3 so use that one.Eventhough it is a usefulone google has mentioned that it is not accurate so be peculiar with a keywords and use it and check with different rates so that you can make a best keyword and make your site no:1 site. These are some of the my sites open this sites and see the keywords at the title bar you will be able to find the keyword which has highest bidding.tyhe sites are BestMortgageDeals Merchant CreditCardTry this tool ... uggestion/This is for Yahoo but it works for google too. It shows the number of searches done on previous month. According to me this tool is not precise, since I had done some SEO for a particular keyword for which I was listed top. But i didn't get those hits anywhere near as mentioned in the above tool. I think they show the count averaging with previous months counts. Anyway this tool helps for finding the highly competitive keywords.You can sign in to google adwords (Just sign up without paying) and you can see the highly popular keywords. but they don't give the exact count as Overture toolBest of luck...Hi,You could try something like Adsense Accelerator for bid prices in Adsense. It's $47/month I think.Alex