Google Is Not My Daddy!!


New Member
Hey Guys,I'm a fellow programmer and the like, I was hired by this law firm to produce a quality web site for their law office. The web site went life about 2 months now. The guys who assisted me submitted the site: to google and to about 25 other search engines before it had a chance to go live and the only page created was an "under Construction page". The page eventually found its way into google and yahoo and some other search engines, the puzzling thing is that google search only turn up a under construction page, and this "under construction" page remained in google for about 2 weeks and then it just simply disappeared. Now when is typed in the google search engine there are no result so it look like google has either punish the site for having an under construction page, or maybe google did not like the fact that the site was blasted all over the other seach engines with the url. Do you think the googlebots will came back and spider the pages or should I just cross my fingers and wait for a miracle or just start from scratch with the web site. These lawyers are expecting their web site to be rank high very soon but they are getting concerned because it is not even listed on google. I think they may may thinking of taking legal action against me if I don't produce results soon. Any suggestions would be REALLY apreciated.How long ago was it submitted? The site was purchased in January. When was it put live?Just go to this page and submit your site yourself. don't ever submit your site before it's live. Engines will look for it and they will get a 404 page not found and probably sandbox you. At least Google will.If I was Google I would ban the site for excessive use of Meta keywords.The pages most of all consits of Meta and other non-content.Also look at your anchor text for internal navigation. Why use "home" as anchor if the page (index) is about "Law Offices" ?The site looks very good design wise though.Hi,Try to bring the title tag above meta tag.<Title>..........your title..........</title><Meta name = 'description' ......... type your description....<Meta name = 'keyword'............type your keywords......... You have used too much of meta keywords. try to reduce it.Also try to add this: <meta content="....type a brief description here.." name="classification"><meta content=" ..your main keyword.." name="author"> <META content="Global" name="distribution"> <meta content="Worldwide" name="coverage"> <meta content="General" name="rating"> <meta content="ALL" name="ROBOTS"> <meta content="index, follow" name="robots">Once this is done oooglebot will spider u again.chouGetting some quality links coming to your site will help your site get spidered quicker, but not if you an any other "banning" problem.As far as getting their site ranked well, the law industry is very competitve, and right now, this site is not very optimized. I worked on a law site for the Chicagoland area and it took a good while to get them to rank for specific terms. You should focus that whole site around their geographic area and base your keywords around that.